Back Slide Distribution - The Company

Back Slide SL Logistic area

Back Slide Distribution belongs to the company Back Slide S.L. and has a great infrastructure focused on providing the best service to our customers.

Logistics area

From the city of Barcelona, Spain, we have a logistics area of more than 500 m2 dedicated exclusively to receiving and dispatching merchandise daily World Wide.

Our logistics area has state-of-the-art technological solutions that allow us to be not only fast but also very efficient with our clients' orders.

Back Slide SL Logistic area

Customer service

Almost as important as good logistics, it is vital to have a good team of people who can respond to the needs of our customers. Either a consultation before the purchase, on the status of an order or to solve any issue that may arise. Although we are not perfect, we tend to get quite close to perfection, taking the satisfaction of our customers as a personal challenge.

After sales service

At Back Slide Distribution we are very aware of the importance of giving help and support to our clients over time. Either to solve a guarantee, have spare parts or help with any product feature that requires after-sales attention.

That is why our sales team does their best to act quickly and effectively in order to minimize as much as possible the time in which our client cannot enjoy 100% of their product.

We are skaters

It may not be the most important requirement, but our customers notice that all of us who are part of Back Slide Distribution are active skaters. Either to give the best advice, find a solution to problems or, simply, to empathize with the need of our clients to skate as soon as possible.

We love skating and beeing part of this great project!