Terms & Conditions

These terms & conditions will apply to all the goods purchased on FLYINGEAGLESKATES.EU.

These Terms & conditions are subject to: Law 7/1988, of April 13th, on General Terms & Conditions of Business; Royal Decree 1/2007, of 16th November, by which the recast text on Consumer & User Protection and additional laws are approved; Organic Law 15/1999, of December 13th, on Private Data Protection; Law 7/1996, of January 15th, on Retail Commerce Regulations; and Law 34/2002, of July 11th, on Information Society Services & E-Commerce.

In accordance with Law 34/2002 on Information Society Services & E-Commerce (LSSICE), we inform you that FLYINGEAGLESKATES.EU is a domain registered under BACK SLIDE S.L. with Business ID B-64065105, a company registered in the Commercial Register of Barcelona, Volume 38171, book 0, sheet 0013, GENERAL SECTION, sheet 321398, REGISTRATION 1, based in Calle Roger de Flor, 10 08018, Barcelona.

This document regulates the general services rendered by BACK SLIDE S.L. through its domain FLYINGEAGLESKATES.EU and provides the legal framework for the current contractual relationship of purchase and sale.

All the goods provided by FLYINGEAGLESKATES.EU can be purchased through the acceptance of the following contract by whoever agrees to abide by such general Terms & Conditions available on FLYINGEAGLESKATES.EU

Acceptance of this contract implies that you, the customer:

a) As an individual or business, is of legal age to purchase our products.
b) Have read, fully understood and accept the general Terms & Conditions.


The subject of the contract is to regulate the general Terms & Conditions of the services offered by FLYINGEAGLESKATES.EU

The access to the corporate information available on the website is free of charge, whereas the purchase of goods or services is in return for payment. The specified prices, shipping and taxes from the start of the purchasing process to finish are always current prices.
The purchase shall be made in Spanish but FLYINGEAGLESKATES.EU gives you the possibility of changing the language.


BACK SLIDE S.L. with trade name FLYINGEAGLESKATES.EU and a domain registered under FLYINGEAGLESKATES.EU based in C/ Roger de Flor,10 Local planta Baja, Barcelona, telephone number 93 486 92 567, with Business ID B-64065105, with email address consultas@FLYINGEAGLESKATES.EU, company registered in the Commercial Register of Barcelona, Volume 38171, book 0, sheet 0013, GENERAL SECTION, sheet 321398, REGISTRATION 1.

On the other, the customer, whose personal data provided to make the purchase has been submitted by him/herself. All the data in the purchase procedure has been entered by the customer, therefore, the CUSTOMER is the sole responsible for the authenticity of the data.


The customer is the sole responsible for the veracity of the provided information during the purchase process, and accepts the obligation of providing true, accurate and complete information.

The USER undertakes to abide by the general Terms & Conditions, to act in a lawful manner and not to use the website in a way that it could be damaged, altered or may cause deterioration, whether it is to FLYINGEAGLESKATES.EU, their users or any third parties.

Should the Customer not comply with this obligation, he/she shall be responsible for any damage incurred to FLYINGEAGLESKATES.EU, other users or third parties. The access and use of FLYINGEAGLESKATES.EU is restricted to any under-age user without parental consent. FLYINGEAGLESKATES.EU is not responsible for the authenticity or accuracy of the submitted personal data, thus not being able to confirm the age of the user.

The customer undertakes to pay the agreed amount at the end of the purchasing process, using the payment option indicated by FLYINGEAGLESKATES.EU and according to the agreed conditions by the parties.

The CUSTOMER undertakes:

- Not to enter, store or divulge on or from the website any defamatory, libellous, obscene, threatening or otherwise xenophobic information or material that incites violence, discrimination on grounds of race, sex, ideology, religion or in any way may infringe upon public morality, public order, basic rights, public liberties, honour, intimacy or the image of third parties or violate the general conditions.

- Not to enter, store or divulge via the shop any programme, data, virus, code or any other electronic or physical device that may damage the website, any service or equipment, system or network belonging to FLYINGEAGLESKATES.EU, to any user, supplier of FLYINGEAGLESKATES.EU or any third party.

- To safeguard the “username” and “password” provided by FLYINGEAGLESKATES.EU, taking full responsibility for any damage caused due to improper use.

- Not to carry out advertising activities or commercial exploitation via the website. Not to use the content and information on the website to forward or send messages for commercial purposes. Not to collect or store personal data of third parties.

- Not to use false identities or impersonate other customers to use the website or any of its services, including the use of passwords of third parties and the like.

- Not to destroy, alter or render data, information, programmes or otherwise electronic documents inoperative belonging to FLYINGEAGLESKATES.EU, its suppliers or third parties.

- Not to enter, store or divulge via the shop any third parties’ trade secrets or content infringing intellectual or industrial property rights; or to make available any content to third parties.

The customer undertakes to provide a delivery address where the goods shall be properly delivered during the usual delivery dates and times. Should the customer fail to comply with this obligation, FLYINGEAGLESKATES.EU shall not be liable for any delay or failure to deliver the items.


The trading conditions of this service and the offers that are shown on FLYINGEAGLESKATES.EU can be read, stored or printed out.

The applicable general Terms & Conditions shall be those valid at the moment of the purchase.

Without prejudice to the previous paragraph, FLYINGEAGLESKATES.EU is entitled to modify, at any given time, the general Terms & Conditions or any other documents available on the website.


FLYINGEAGLESKATES.EU accepts no liability for any delay or failure that may arise during access or use of the website, services or content; as well as interruption, suspension or malfunction of the website in the case of natural disaster or situations of force majeure.

FLYINGEAGLESKATES.EU shall accept no liability for the content that may appear on other third parties’ websites linked from www.FLYINGEAGLESKATES.EU, being the owner of those websites the sole responsible.

The goods available on the website comply with the Spanish legislation. FLYINGEAGLESKATES.EU accepts no liability for any goods sent to other countries, where different legislation is applicable. Therefore, Customers outside Spain are to verify the selected goods can be imported and used in their respective countries.

The user accepts all responsibilities for the use of the website and is the sole responsible for any direct or indirect effect on the website, including but not limited to any negative economic, technical or legal consequence.
We are not responsible for any unfulfilled expectations and the customer shall not hold FLYINGEAGLESKATES.EU liable in such cases.

FLYINGEAGLESKATES.EU accepts no liability for any potential harms due to interferences, omissions, interruptions, computer viruses, malfunction and/or disconnections due to reasons beyond the control of FLYINGEAGLESKATES.EU during the use of its operative system or the users’ system, which may hinder or delay the proper use of the website.
FLYINGEAGLESKATES.EU accepts no liability for any delay or malfunction due to overload or malfunction of the Internet or other electronic systems.
FLYINGEAGLESKATES.EU accepts no liability for inaccessibility to the website and/or its services due to the user, third parties or force majeure and through no fault of our own.
In general, FLYINGEAGLESKATES.EU does not monitor how users browse the website. FLYINGEAGLESKATES.EU can not guarantee under any circumstances that users may use the website abiding by the law, the general Terms & Conditions, morality and public order. Nor can FLYINGEAGLESKATES.EU guarantee users may use the website in a diligent and prudent way.


We inform our customers that in order to improve your browsing and purchasing experience, offer you our best advice and inform our customers and members about our offers, our website uses cookies and IP storage. Cookies are files stored in your system with the sole objective of making your browsing session on FLYINGEAGLESKATES.EU easier (these cookies can not contain viruses or be accessed since they are not active files). Cookies can only be accessed by FLYINGEAGLESKATES.EU and you, and can be erased when you access your browser setting. For more information, please read your browser help menu.


To place an order, the customer shall only need to follow the instructions found on www.FLYINGEAGLESKATES.EU, where he/she shall accept the general Terms & Conditions in order to confirm the order.

The customer can place the order via email, telephone, by providing all the required personal data and the references of the goods he/she wishes to purchase. If the order is placed via telephone, email, it shall need to be confirmed in writing, where the general Terms & Conditions shall be presented, so the customer accepts them and confirms the order.


According to the European Fiscal Regulation on VAT and the Spanish VAT Law, the following legal regulation is established:

a. Should FLYINGEAGLESKATES.EU sell goods to a private person, national or European (except for the Canary Islands, Ceuta and Melilla where VAT is not applicable). Current VAT rate is 21%. Subject to changes by the EU.

b. Should FLYINGEAGLESKATES.EU accepts no liability for any delay or failure that may arise during access or use of the website, services or content; as well as interruption, suspension or malfunction of the website in the case of natural disaster or situations of force majeure.

FLYINGEAGLESKATES.EU shall accept no liability for the content that may appear on other third parties’ websites linked from www.FLYINGEAGLESKATES.EU, being the owner of those websites the sole responsible.

The goods available on the website comply with the Spanish legislation. FLYINGEAGLESKATES.EU accepts no liability for any goods sent to other countries, where different legislation is applicable. Therefore, Customers outside Spain are to verify the selected goods can be imported and used in their respective countries.

The user accepts all responsibilities for the use of the website and is the sole responsible for any direct or indirect effect on the website, including but not limited to any negative economic, technical or legal consequence.
We are not responsible for any unfulfilled expectations and the customer shall not hold FLYINGEAGLESKATES.EU liable in such cases.

FLYINGEAGLESKATES.EU accepts no liability for any potential harms due to interferences, omissions, interruptions, computer viruses, malfunction and/or disconnections due to reasons beyond the control of FLYINGEAGLESKATES.EU during the use of its operative system or the users’ system, which may hinder or delay the proper use of the website.
FLYINGEAGLESKATES.EU accepts no liability for any delay or malfunction due to overload or malfunction of the Internet or other electronic systems.
FLYINGEAGLESKATES.EU accepts no liability for inaccessibility to the website and/or its services due to the user, third parties or force majeure and through no fault of our own.
In general, FLYINGEAGLESKATES.EU does not monitor how users browse the website. FLYINGEAGLESKATES.EU can not guarantee under any circumstances that users may use the website abiding by the law, the general Terms & Conditions, morality and public order. Nor can FLYINGEAGLESKATES.EU guarantee users may use the website in a diligent and prudent way. sell to another entrepreneur, outside Spain but within the EU, the goods will be billed without the VAT of the country of origin. The entrepreneur from the other European state is obliged to account for the VAT according to his/her country’s national regulation.

c. Should FLYINGEAGLESKATES.EU sell to a national entrepreneur, the current Spanish VAT rate of 21% shall be applied

d. Should FLYINGEAGLESKATES.EU sell to a non-European entrepreneur, VAT shall not be applied.


Both parties state that the service offered by FLYINGEAGLESKATES.EU is accepted by the CUSTOMER based on section 7, PURCHASING PROCESS.

The fact that the CUSTOMER follows all the steps detailed in section 7 when purchasing the goods and accessories implies full acceptance of the general Terms & Conditions.


The contract is deemed concluded when, during the purchasing process, the CUSTOMER accepts the general Terms & Conditions in writing, submitted via the website, email. If not accepted, the purchasing process shall not be complete.


The addresses provided below are at the customer’s disposal, should he/she require further information on the general Terms & Conditions or any complaints regarding his/her purchase.

FLYINGEAGLESKATES.EU provides its customers with different communication channels, which are for information purposes only and lack any binding legal effect. Requests, informations, communications and suggestions submitted via these channels are non-binding for the sender nor the receiver. If communication with FLYINGEAGLESKATES.EU is needed, it will be made in writing, where time, date, dispatch and receiving date are duly noted.

Telf: (+34) 518 153 519
C/ Buenaventura Muñoz, 7 – Bjos. 08018 BARCELONA


FLYINGEAGLESKATES.EU is the owner and/or licensee of all the information, graphic design, images, databases, indexes, source codes, brands and logos on this website. They are all protected in accordance with the Intellectual Property Law and the Trademark Law.
All this information is made available to our customers, which in no way implies the transfer of ownership or the granting of rights to use. Therefore, any reproduction, copy, distribution in whole or in part and marketing will require authorisation in writing by FLYINGEAGLESKATES.EU. In the event of misuse of the website, FLYINGEAGLESKATES.EU is entitled to take legal action for any incurred damages. Yet, in the event of violation of the general Terms and Conditions or the current legislation, the customer shall compensate the business for any incurred damages.


Given the personal nature of the provided data, FLYINGEAGLESKATES.EU ensures its strict confidentiality. In this regard, FLYINGEAGLESKATES.EU has created and implemented a Security Document in accordance with Organic Law 15/1999, of 13th December, on Personal Data Protection (in Spanish, LOPD) and the Royal Decree 1720/2007, of 21st December, which approves the Regulation Implementing the Organic Law 15/1999, of 13th December, on Personal Data Prootection.

In the event of providing personal data of third parties, the user acknwoledges having received express consent of such third parties. The user shall inform the aforementioned third parties about the content on the provided information, the source, the existence and aim of the files where data is stored, the possibility of accessing such files, rectification, cancellation and opposition.

Therefore, in compliance with the current regulations on Personal Data Protection, we inform you that the data provided in our online forms shall be stored on a file property of BACK SLIDE S.L. The aim of such file is to manage the contractual relationship with BACK SLIDE S.L., promotional and marketing activities via SMS, email, mail, etc. which may be of interest for the CUSTOMER based on segmentation of data collected from forms, purchased goods and web browsing sessions. In the event of the user providing personal data of third parties, he/she acknwoledges having received express consent of such third parties. The user shall inform these third parties about the content on the provided information, the source, the existence and aim of the files where data is stored, the possibility of accessing such files, rectification, cancellation, opposition and current Privacy Policy Terms & Conditions.

After expiry of the 30 days period following the acceptance of the general Terms & Conditions without receiving express refusal, the contract shall be assumed.

Your personal data shall be processed with strict confidentiality. In accordance with Organic Law 15/1999, of 13th December, the CUSTOMER may exercise their right to access, rectification and opposition, in writing form to FLYINGEAGLESKATES.EU, C/ Roger de Flor, 10, Bjos. 08018 BARCELONA or via email: EMAIL, providing name and surnames, username and email used to sign up. In either case a photocopy of the personal ID shall be attached. If this personal data is related to a purchase, we are obliged by Spanish Law to store such information for a period of 6 years, therefore, this data shall not be deleted nor changed even at the CUSTOMER’s request.

FLYINGEAGLESKATES.EU undertakes to process the data in the file with confidentiality, as well as to prevent any non-authorised alteration, processing, access or loss; in accordance with current legislation. Our secure server guarantees the confidentiality of the provided data. Such security is achieved through a SSL protocol, by encrypting the submitted data using a RSA encryption. A password is requiered to access such information.
Should your browser be secure, a padlock shall appear and the URL shall be https instead of http.


If any provision of this Article or application is held invalid, this invalidity shall not affect other provisions or applications of this Article which shall be given effect without the invalid provision or application, and to this end PARTIAL INVALIDITY is ordered. The parties undertake to negotiate any invalid provision of the contract and incorporate them to the Terms & Conditions.


The customer has 14 calendar days to withdraw from the contract following the date on which the product is received, without having to justify such decision. In order to exercise his/her right, the customer shall state it in writing and send it via email to our customer service department.

Once the aforementioned 14-day period has expired, the right of withdrawal shall not apply.

The customer shall be responsible for the cost of the returned goods. Such goods shall be returned no later than 14 calendar days after stating his/her right to withdraw from contract.

(The operation has an approximate cost of 10€ for Spain, 30€ for Canary Islands, Ceuta and Melilla, 40€ for the rest of Europe)

Only goods meeting the following conditions shall be accepted:

- Items shall be unused and in new condition, with all original packaging, manuals and accessories. They shall not be scratched or dirty.

- Returns of customized products shall not be accepted.

- Returned packages with any kind of seal attached to the original packaging or wrap shall not be accepted.

- The RETURN NUMBER must be indicated on the packaging and a copy of the Withdrawal Request Form must be placed inside.

Once the product has been received, FLYINGEAGLESKATES.EU shall refund the full price paid by the customer, including shipping costs no later than 14 days after receiving withdrawal notification. FLYINGEAGLESKATES.EU shall withhold the refund until original packaging, manuals and accessories have been confirmed to be in good condition.

For the return of products, please check our return and replacement section.


The customer has 14 calendar days to withdraw from the contract following the date on which the product is received, without having to justify such decision. In order to exercise his/her right, the customer shall state it in writing and send it via email to our customer service department.

Once the aforementioned 14-day period has expired, the right of withdrawal shall not apply.

The customer shall be responsible for the cost of the returned goods. Such goods shall be returned no later than 14 calendar days after stating his/her right to withdraw from contract.

(This approximate cost and as a guideline could be € 10 for Peninsular Spain and Portugal, € 30 for the Canary Islands, Ceuta and Melilla and € 40 for the rest of Europe).

Only goods meeting the following conditions shall be accepted:

- Items shall be unused and in new condition, with all original packaging, manuals and accessories. They shall not be scratched or dirty.

- Returns of customized products shall not be accepted.

- Returned packages with any kind of seal attached to the original packaging or wrap shall not be accepted.

- The RETURN NUMBER must be indicated on the packaging and a copy of the Withdrawal Request Form must be placed inside.

Once the product has been received,FLYINGEAGLESKATES.EU shall refund the full price paid by the customer, including shipping costs no later than 14 days after receiving withdrawal notification. FLYINGEAGLESKATES.EU shall withhold the refund until original packaging, manuals and accessories have been confirmed to be in good condition.


All FLYINGEAGLESKATES.EU customers have the benefit of the manufacturers’ warranty, which is usually 2 years.

This warranty excludes defects caused by negligence, improper use, handling or normal wear and tear.

This warranty excludes any loss of functionality due to manufacturing limitations of the products.

If the manufacturer confirms a manufacturing fault, it will be replaced or repaired, depending on the customer. Shall any of those option be impossible or disproportionate, the customer will be able to choose between discount or contract withdrawal.

If, according to the aforementioned section, the customer chooses contract withdrawal and product return, FLYINGEAGLESKATES.EU shall refund the full price of the product, including the total shipping costs. Termination shall not be appropriate when based on minor lack of conformity.

The customer shall inform FLYINGEAGLESKATES.EU of the lack of conformity no later than 2 months after learning of it, being responsible for all the costs due to late notification.

For the return of warranted products, please check our return and replacement section.


The customer shall be refunded using the same payment option as in the purchase, expect for cash on delivery, in which case it shall be via bank transfer.

FLYINGEAGLESKATES.EU shall withhold refund until original packaging, manuals and accessories have been confirmed to be in good condition.

The refunded costs will be the same as the original price. In the case of withdrawal, any shipping costs that may have arisen will be included. According to section 17 of general Terms & Conditions, shall the client return the product, he/she shall be refunded shipping costs in full.

In the case of withdrawal, FLYINGEAGLESKATES.EU will refund no later than 14 days after receiving withdrawal notification. FLYINGEAGLESKATES.EU shall withhold refund until original packaging, manuals and accessories of the returned product have been confirmed to be in good condition.

If the customer states lack of conformity and withdraws from contract, FLYINGEAGLESKATES.EU shall refund no later than 14 calendar days after manufacturer confirms manufacturing error rendering it impossible to replace or repair.


Skating, longboarding, trikking, flyjumping and skateboarding are dangerous sports and may result in injury. It is the customer’s responsibility to be technically prepared and protected when using our products.


These general Terms & Conditions are interpreted according to current Spanish legislation which shall also be applicable to anything not included in the general Terms & Conditions. Any dispute concerning the interpretation or application of this agreement shall be settled in Court, which shall have all the necessary information on the matter.

According to Law 34/2002, of 11th July, on Information Society Services & E-Commerce, the contract shall be deemed concluded in the customer’s usual place of residence.
Any incident shall be submitted to the Courts and Tribunals of Madrid, should the buyer’s residence be abroad (not in Spain) or should a business have purchased the goods.

These general Terms & Conditions are current as of the date of publication:
01-12-2009 (DD/MM/YY)


Should any problem arise, our customer service is at your disposal.
Should our customers not be satisfied with the service, they can fill out the following complaint form.


This website uses Google Analytics. A web analytic service offered by Google Inc.
Google Inc. headquarters are located in 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View (California), CA 94043, United States. Google Analytics uses cookies; text files found in your computer, which are used to analyse the way the user browses the website. The information generated by these cookies (including the IP address) are transmitted to and stored on Google servers in the USA. Google shall use this information we send them to track your use of the website, collect activity reports and offer other internet-related services. Google may send this information to third parties if required by applicable law or when the aforementioned third parties are to manage such information. Google shall not associate your IP address with any other data they may possess. You can decline the use of cookies by choosing the correct set-up on your internet browser, in which case the full functionality of the website may not be available. Accessing this website implies you accept the aforementioned conditions of how Google may manage your information.


Some products on FLYINGEAGLESKATES.EU show a discount icon. This discount represents the difference between the original price and the current one. This value may not exactly coincide with the actual discount, since it has been rounded up or down a maximum of 2 points. The customer can require to be informed of the actual value of the discount.